from a dream to reality...
The Cool Cup is also an effective marketing tool for businesses, organizations and
schools. A wide range of consumers including kids, parents, high school and college students, social and professional clubs, sports fans, party, festival and live music attendees can be effectively targeted by placing a company’s logo and product information on the Cool Cup.
And unlike the hundreds of t-shirts, caps and “un cool” cups, you’ve collected that eventually end up as a cleaning rag or donated to the thrift sore, the Cool Cup is a practical product that patrons will use for years to come!
The Cool Cup encourages and increases multiple sales because patrons tend to purchase more beverages to collect the cups because of the novelty of the stack-ability
The Cool Cup is cost effective enough to up-sell a beverage for the patron to keep the cup and/or get refills
The Cool Cup is customize-able with a full color logo with either a waterproof label or durable In Mold Design
The Cool Cup is perfect for any beverage or even snacks.
Fundraisers and Cool Cups are a successful match!
Instead of wrapping paper, candy or pancake breakfasts, the Cool Cup provides an excellent way to show school spirit and support a worthwhile cause while providing a fun and functional product that also encourages multiple sales.
The Cool Cup is best used in multiples, so supporters will always purchase more than one, and on the average at least four, so your fundraiser is sure to exceed sales expectations and raise more money than any other comparable efforts.
Plus the Cool Cups designed with your message and/or logo will not only get in more homes but also used at tailgating events, parties and picnics thus spreading your message far and wide and long after the fundraiser ends! It’s a Win/Win that is the goal of every fundraiser.