A trusted name and insurance plans advisor
Protecting Futures
We have years of insurance experience helping clients prepare for the unknown. COVERAGE CHOICES YOU'LL LOVE ...
Critical Illness
We can access many different insurance products so you can get the right one for you.
We have been helping the State of South Carolina employees since 1987 and we are proud to bring you this exclusive supplemental benefits program from Allstate Benefits. That's right, Allstate. Surprised? Don't be. The good hands have been protecting people like you in all sorts of ways for over 50 years. Are you in Good Hands®? You can be.
Plan Highlights
Year round quick and easy contact free enrollment
Affordable Group Rates
Convenient payroll deduction under SCEIS payroll code: 2000 - American Heritage Life.
Guaranteed issue, meaning no medical questions to answer at your initial enrollment
Coverage also available for your spouse and dependent children
Coverage continues when you leave your job or retire
Assessing Need
Many financial experts will tell you some unforeseen events and a lack of the right kind of insurance can spell trouble quickly. Call us today, and we'll analyze your insurance needs and get you covered quickly at the right price.
Building Relationships
Everyone has different insurance needs. Call us today for a personalized business or individual assessment and find out how we can help protect your hard-won assets.
Fill out the form with any questions you have about finding the coverage that's right for you!
7150 Caledonia Lane
Columbia, SC 29209, US
Phone: (803) 606-9490
Fax: (803) 661-6967
Email: dconyers4@sc.rr.com
Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm
Saturday: By Appointment ONLY
Sunday: Closed